



PSA: Please stop using toothpaste on your pimples (and other acne myths)


PSA: Please stop using toothpaste on your pimples (and other acne myths)

Drying a pimple out with toothpaste, tanning to clear your skin... 90s kids have been led astray with many an old wives tale in their quest for complexion perfection. It's time to listen to the professionals. Here, dermal therapist Yadira Cauchi sets the record straight.

Yadira Cauchi

0 minute read

Published: December 2022

Origin: Australia

Most of us have dealt with troublesome skin at one point or another.

Whether it be the odd pimple, a monthly hormonal breakout or years of constant teen or adult acne - when you feel like your skin isn't cooperating, it can lead to low self esteem and frustration.

Knowing the real reason behind why you're breaking out can be very confusing. When you are trying to get rid of acne, conflicting information can only worsen the issue.

What causes acne?

Let's get back to basics: Acne is a skin condition and a disorder of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands that become clogged.

It’s very common during puberty, although there is no age limit to who can get it (or when), as hormonal changes can happen at any stage in life.

There are also many different types of acne including cysts and pimples; and acne can either be at a deep or superficial level. 

So there’s a lot to it. And if we throw in old old wives tales and skincare myths, such as limiting your chocolate intake or washing your face more to get rid of it, then it is little wonder that attempting to treat acne treatment can feel confusing.

The internet (and your grandmother) can dish out some very outdated advice on this topic. So, let’s dispel some common acne myths below. 

Myth: only teenagers get acne

This is the most common acne myth, predominantly because the teenage years are the most common time to have acne.

But it doesn’t stop there.

You can get acne at any time, and some people may even first develop it in their 30s, 40s or even 50s.

Our hormones are always fluctuating, as is our lifestyle. 

Myth: toothpaste can treat your acne 

If you haven’t tried putting toothpaste on your acne, then you probably didn’t grow up in the 90s.

The premise behind this myth is that once upon a time toothpaste formulas contained a chemical called triclosan that could work to kill the bacteria that could cause breakouts. Today, the ingredient is not as common.

Instead, use formulated pimple patches that calm, soothe, and treat pimples within just 6 hours for instant results.

Myth: acne will clear if your scrub your skin

Scrubbing at your acne will not make it better. In fact, doing this can make it worse. Acne can not be scrubbed away.

A gentle cleanser is much more effective and better for acne prone skin. Try: Common Clouds Cloud Water 125ml

Myth: poor hygiene causes acne 

Another prevalent acne myth is that which links poor hygiene to acne - and it just isn’t true.

Acne is often genetic and there are many hormonal and other lifestyle factors that can contribute to acne. It is not directly linked to poor hygiene - however it is still important to wash your face. Sorry. 

Myth: tanning helps clear acne

Tanning damages your skin and can increase your risk of developing skin cancer. But it does not clear up your acne.

Wearing SPF every day is an essential step, so don't skip it in the quest for clear skin. It will do the opposite.

Myth: wearing makeup causes more acne

Wearing makeup doesn’t directly cause acne - you know what does? Not removing it properly at the end of the day.

You see, makeup is generally fine for most people. If you are acne prone or have sensitive skin then perhaps mineral makeup may be a better option for you. If you’re concerned, I’d also suggest looking into oil-free and non-comedogenic options.

Removing make up in the evening is very important. A double cleanse to ensure all traces of cosmetics and SPF are removed is recommended.

And remember, you need to be cleaning your makeup brushes at least once a week to prevent breakouts as well. 

Yadira Cauchi


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