



Why an Orgasm is Good for Your Health

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Why an Orgasm is Good for Your Health

Most of us are aware of the oxytocin hit, but there are a slew of hormones that accompany the big bright crescendo of an O, and they all are all wonderful for your wellbeing. Let's get into it.

Published: October 2022

Origin: Australia

An orgasm is a purely subjective experience and utterly individualised.

There is no right or wrong when rolling around the boudoir and how one expresses their sexual peak is solely dependent on the human in question, but the one thing that all our O’s have in common are the slew of hormones that accompany our big, bright crescendo.  

It is somewhat of a hormonal mixed bag, filled to the brim with all the feels. 

First up, oxytocin, our ‘loving’ hormone, which is released during childbirth, breastfeeding/ nipple stimulation, hugging, kissing, and of course, climaxing. 

Who wouldn’t want to feel all the warm and fuzzies on the reg, and if that wasn’t enough of a sell, this love hormone can also play a role in reducing your blood pressure, cortisol, and stress levels.

Honestly, say less. 

The nervous system and gastrointestinal tract are inextricably intertwined so when we are stressed or anxious our gut will bear the brunt of it.

When stress exits stage left, especially during this trance, all that built-up tension and  distress (from fuckboy/girl/they) will alleviate and then you can humbly bid farewell to bloating, gas, constipation and/or diarrhoea.  

Cue dopamine, our feel-good hormone.

Whilst oxytocin gears up for their grand entrance, dopamine is slowly being released in the lead up, even from the moment you set eyes on your sexual conquest.

Dopamine acts like a reward system for the brain, it likes all thing pleasurable, and not just behind closed doors.

This bad boy will flirt with any ol’ stimuli - inhaling a block of chocolate, shopping, and listening to your fave tune.

It wants you to feel satisfied, pleasure, and motivated.  

Whilst the above duo performs their act, prolactin will enter from stage right and mimic sleeping beauty. When prolactin is in this state, it will trigger the onset of slumber by making you feel relaxed and drowsy.

I feel like the penny has just dropped, yes, this is why the majority of men need to take a quick power nap at intermission.  

Prolactin is a hormone made in the pituarity gland, which is found at the base  of the skull and is released post- rumble in the sheets, during ovulation, nursing/breastfeeding, and eating.

An increase in prolactin levels will also perform as a neurohormonal index of sexual satiety post-orgasm.

With that being said, there is a caveat: an orgasm must be present, and induced by masturbation or sex, not just sexual arousal - I don’t make the rules. 

DHEA is also increased when singing from the rooftops, it is a hormone that is naturally produced in our adrenal glands and touted for increasing libido, a boost in immunity, and brain health.

Low levels indicate a diminished libido and sexual dysfunction. The tribe has spoken.

Who knew an orgasm did oh so much for one’s wellbeing?

Whether you are partnered up, ridin’ solo or in a throuple, it is time to get acquainted with south of the waist, if not for yourself, then for the love of your health.  

Let’s get physical. 

Georgia Forsyth


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